Gustav Mahler’s composing house

Dobbiaco: Culture

The famous composer Gustav Mahler delighted in his summer holidays in Dobbiaco: “It is wonderful to be here, it sets your soul and body at ease...”. From 1908 to 1910 Gustav Mahler spent the summer months at the Trenkerhof farm in Carbonin Vecchia. In the composing house there he created his Ninth Symphony, the unfinished Tenth Symphony and “Das Lied von der Erde.”

The composing house is in private property and can't currently be viewed from the inside. It is locadet in the area Mahler Nature Sound Park, which will be open again in summer 2025.
>> informations composing house

Information and requests for further visits:

As there are no parking facilities, a walk starting from the Culture Center Grand Hotel is recommended.

In his honour the town organises the annual Gustav Mahler Music Weeks, when the most famous and beautiful pieces by this famous composer are played.

  • Gustav Mahler
  • Gustav Mahler
  • Gustav Mahler